Drewe Lacey DG Rotary District 1100 met with the Mayor of Hereford, Councilor Kevin Tillett at the formal launch of the Source of Life Project on the 17th July in the Mayor’s Parlour. Eight Roary Clubs in the Wye Valley attended together with Councilors from Hereford Council and Hereford Town Council. In terms of local environmental Groups Tom Tibbits, Chair and Nick Day Trustee from the Friends of the River Wye, and Wendy Ogden from the Wye Usk Foundation.
On this occasion Rotary District 1100 and the Friends of the River Wye entered into a partnership agreement – the agreement being signed – where Rotary Clubs will reinforce the call for volunteers for citizen science work in the Wye Valley and provide financial support for the work being done.

We had a very successful launch event for the Source of Life project.

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